20 Minute Turn Up Workout
HIIT & Cardio Klasses
Follow Yemi as she guides you thru her 20-Minute Turn Up Workout. You'll be dancing, sweating, and having a ton of fun.
What you'll need: Water
Up Next in HIIT & Cardio Klasses
30 Minute Power Pump II
Follow along as you start with your body weight warm up and end feeling ready for your week!
What you will need; lighter weights (optional), heavier weights (optional), glider (optional), & a soft surface (optional)
30 Minute Power Pump
Join Bridget as she takes you thru her 30 Minute Power Pump! You will begin with some body-resistance training, get some resistance bands and weights involved, and end with a very well-deserved stretch.
What you will need: One Heavier Weight, Two Lighter Weights, and Loop Resistance Band (optional)
10 Minute 8x8 Plank Circuit
Work your abs, back, and core with Demi during this 10-minute core circuit
What you need: Resistance Band (optional)