Fitness Klasses

Fitness Klasses

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Fitness Klasses
  • 20 Minute HIIT it & Don't Quit It

    HIIT It hard with Demi while she puts you through a 20 Minute HIIT It & Don't Quit It workout! This playlist is all the most motivational, pump up songs to get you through this speedy sweat sesh!
    You will need: weights, resistance band optional


  • 50 Minute Yoga Sculpt Klass Live

    Warm up with this Yoga Sculpt Klass! This Klass gets the blood pumping and the breath flowing, burns an incredible amount of calories and provides a full body workout that focuses on strengthening, lengthening, balancing and fortifying from the outside in! Join in!
    What you need for this Klass: M...

  • 5 Minute Meditation

    Breathe with Alisha as she takes you through some meditation to have you feeling Zen AF!

  • 5 Minute Post-Workout Stretch

    If you are looking to gain more flexibility, this is the Klass for you! Krista will take you through a series of flexibility exercises that will have you feeling great after a workout!

  • 20 Minute Yoga Sculpt

    Warm up with this Yoga Sculpt Klass! This Klass gets the blood pumping and the breath flowing, burns an incredible amount of calories and provides a full body workout that focuses on strengthening, lengthening, balancing and fortifying from the outside in! Join in!
    What you need: Mat, Weights

  • 5 Minute Meditation

    Take a moment to breathe and zen out as Alisha takes you through some gentle stretches while focusing on your inhales and exhales.

  • 30 Minute Full Body Blast

    Demi will be taking you through a 30 minute full body blast! You will start with warm-up and then three circuits that will be targeting your entire body!
    What You Need: Weights, Resistance Band

  • 20 Minutes Biceps & Booty

    In this workout, Demi will be targeting the biceps and the booty! It is 3 circuits long that will have you burning!
    What You Need: Weights, Resistance Band

  • 15 Minute Upper Body Sculpt

    Demi will be working you out during this Upper Body Sculpt Klass. In this Klass, you will be focusing on shoulders, biceps, and triceps. You will go through three circuits targeting each of those muscle groups. In a little over 15 minutes, you will be feelin' the BURN baby!
    What You Need: Weights

  • 10 Minute Core Circuit

    During this Klass, Demi will be taking you through a 10 minute core circuit. We are going to blast those abs hunni! This Klass will just be targeting your core and is great in addition to another Klass. You will be doing two circuits, 30 seconds each, two times through!
    What You Need: Weight (opt...

  • 20 Minute Booty Burn

    Burn that booty with Demi during this Klass!
    What You Need: Resistance Band (optional)

  • 5 Minute Yoga Cool Down

    Cool down with Alisha after a fitness or dance Klass. You will be feeling zen AF!

  • 5 Minute Cooldown

    Cool it down with Ashley after taking a dance or fitness Klass!

  • 15 Minute Hip Hop Cardio

    Join Yemi for an upbeat and fun way to get your heartrate pumping! Get ready to drop it down during this Hip Hop Cardio Klass!

  • 5 Minute Warm-Up

    Warm it up with Demi! This is great to take before another fitness Klass to get your body ready to go!

  • 30 Minute Hip Hop Cardio

    Hip Hop Cardio Klass is an awesome way to get down for a fun workout! Not a dancer? NO PROBLEM! This Klass is for everyone and all ages! Follow along and work up a sweat while workin' it out to current songs. I don't know about you, but that sounds more fun than running on a treadmill and you bur...

  • 45 Minute Booty Rockin' Everywhere Workout

    Get that booty poppin' during this 45 minute booty workout with Shai!

  • 10 Minute Post-Workout Cooldown

    Lower your heart rate and focus on your breathing during this 10 minute cooldown with Ashley!

  • 30 Minute ThrowBack Bi's & Tri's

    Throw it back with this back, biceps, and triceps workout with Demi!

  • 20 Minute Hip Hop Cardio

    What is the most fun way to do cardio? HIP HOP CARDIO WITH YEMI! Follow along to this dope choreography as she helps you get your sweat on by getting LOW! Let's get it!

  • 30 Minute Da Full Body

    Get your work out with Demi & Shai as they take you through a full body workout to DaBaby! All you need is a set of dumbbells!

  • 15 Minute Hip Hop Cardio Burn

    Sweat it out in the most fun way with Yemi! Follow along and get down!

  • 50 Minute Yoga Sculpt

    Join Alisha as she guides you through a 50 Minute Yoga Sculpt Klass! The perfect mix of sweat and zen!